Issues to Explore

Sexuality and Faith

Our sexual identity is an important part of who we are. Is there only one way of expressing this, the binary pattern of male and female? How does God invite us to understand who we are as beings made ‘in the image of God’? Whatever our sexual orientation is, how are we invited to express our sexuality in ways which are life-giving and not destructive to ourselves and others? These are big questions and hot topics in the wider community and within the church.

Part of the debate within the church has been about attitudes towards homosexuality and, more recently, the marriage of people of the same gender (which is now legal within Australia under civil law but not yet allowed within the Anglican Church).

A recent collection of essays has been released and can be downloaded free to encourage us to reflect on this question. Be prepared that the essays come from a variety of viewpoints and so none of us will agree with everything that is written there! As this is an important and complex matter the depth of the material presented may feel daunting. Please explore and come along to bring your questions about this. Share them with us.

The collection of essays can be accessed and downloaded at: or at:

For those who prefer a hard copy book in their hands these can be purchased for $34.95 at:

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